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Corduroy (Don Freeman)

Freeman, Don, 1908-1978
Wheeler, Jody
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Book cover for "A pocket for Corduroy".
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A toy bear who wants a pocket for himself searches for one in a laundromat.
Book cover for "Corduroy".
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5 stars
"A toy bear in a department store wants a number of things, but when a little girl finally buys him he finds what he has always wanted most of all." "Corduroy has been on the department store shelf for a long time. Yet as soon as Lisa sees him, she knows that he’s the bear for her. Her mother, though, thinks he’s a little shopworn—he’s even missing a button! Still, Corduroy knows that with a bit of work he can tidy himself...

3.  Happy Valentine's Day, Corduroy!

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