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Origami Yoda books

Angleberger, Tom
Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Book cover for "The strange case of Origami Yoda".
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4.5 stars
In this funny, uncannily wise portrait of the dynamics of a sixth-grade class and of the greatness that sometimes comes in unlikely packages, Dwight, a loser, talks to his classmates via an origami finger puppet of Yoda. If that weren't strange enough, the puppet is uncannily wise and prescient. Origami Yoda predicts the date of a pop quiz, guesses who stole the classroom Shakespeare bust, and saves a classmate from popularity-crushing embarrassment...
Book cover for "Darth Paper strikes back".
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4 stars
Harvey, upset when his Darth Paper finger puppet brings humiliation, gets Dwight suspended, but Origami Yoda asks Tommy and Kellan, now in seventh grade, to make a new casefile to persuade the School Board to reinstate Dwight.
Book cover for "The secret of the Fortune Wookiee".
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Average Rating:
5 stars
McQuarrie Middle School's students miss Origami Yoda when Dwight leaves for Tippett Academy, but he sends Sara a paper Fortune Wookiee that seems to give advice just as good as Yoda's--even if, in the hands of girls, it seems preoccupied with romance.
Book cover for "The surprise attack of Jabba the Puppett".
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4 stars
"Some problems are too big for Origami Yoda alone ... This semester, Dwight, Tommy, Sara, and the gang must face their deadliest enemy yet: the FunTime Education System. Meant to raise the standardized test scores, the mind-numbing videos of Professor FunTime and his singing calculator are driving everybody crazy! And worse yet, to make time for FunTime, all electives--drama, art, band--have been canceled! Naturally, the kids turn to Origami Yoda...
Book cover for "Princess Labelmaker to the rescue!".
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4.5 stars
One month before the state standards tests are to take place, the Origami Rebel Alliance has found powerful allies in unexpected places in their fight against the FunTime test preparation program, but Principal Rabbski has not yet declared her allegiance.
Book cover for "Emperor Pickletine rides the bus".
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Average Rating:
4 stars
The seventh graders of McQuarrie Middle School and their Star Wars-inspired Origami finger puppets go on a field trip to Washington, D.C., on what proves to be a very long trip full of shifting alliances, betrayals, carsickness, and sugar rushes.