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Ramona and her father

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Ramona Quimby volume 4.
Ramona Quimby volume 4
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When her father loses his job, seven-year-old Ramona Quimby thinks of ways to deal with the many problems that develop.

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Grouped Work IDb0a60805-8a6e-38bb-efce-35abbda05b42
Grouping Titleramona and her father
Grouping Authorbeverly cleary
Grouping Categorybook
Grouping LanguageEnglish (eng)
Last Grouping Update2025-03-07 22:44:37PM
Last Indexed2025-03-07 22:56:17PM

Solr Fields

Channing, Stockard
Dockray, Tracy
Rogers, Jacqueline
Rogers, Jacqueline, 1958-
Tiegreen, Alan
Cleary, Beverly
Channing, Stockard
Channing, Stockard,reader
Dockray, Tracy
Dockray, Tracy,illustrator
Harper Audio (Firm)
Rogers, Jacqueline,1958-illustrator
Rogers, Jacqueline,illustrator
Tiegreen, Alan
Tiegreen, Alan,illustrator
hoopla digital
Cleary, Beverly
Online OverDrive Collection
Online OverDrive Collection
When her father loses his job, seven-year-old Ramona Quimby thinks of ways to deal with the many problems that develop.
Audio Books
Audio CD
Illustrated Edition
Compact Disc
Juvenile Biography
Juvenile CD
Juvenile book
Juvenile fiction
Online OverDrive
Telluride Online
Online OverDrive Collection
Avon Books
Avon Camelot Books
Harper Children's Audio
Harper Trophy
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers
HarperCollins Publishers
Listening Library
William Morrow and Company
Ramona Quimby
Ramona Quimby|4
Accelerated reader
Children's audiobooks
Children's stories
Children's stories -- Fiction
Compact discs
Electronic books
Families -- Fiction
Families -- Juvenile fiction
Familles -- Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Family life
Family problems -- Fiction
Family problems -- Juvenile fiction
Fathers and daughters
Fathers and daughters -- Fiction
Fathers and daughters -- Juvenile fiction
Fictional Work
Humor (Fiction)
Humorous fiction
Humorous stories
Humorous stories -- Fiction
JUVENILE FICTION -- Family -- Parents
JUVENILE FICTION -- Family -- Siblings
JUVENILE FICTION -- Health & Daily Living -- General
JUVENILE FICTION -- Humorous Stories
Juvenile Fiction
Juvenile Literature
Juvenile fiction -- Fiction
Juvenile literature -- 1977
Juvenile works
Newberry Honor
Oregon authors -- Juvenile
Pères et filles -- Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse
Quimby, Ramona (Fictitious character)
Quimby, Ramona (Fictitious character) -- Fiction
Quimby, Ramona (Fictitious character) -- Juvenile fiction
Realistic fiction
Second grade (Education) -- Juvenile fiction
Siblings -- Fiction
Sound recordings
Talking books
Unabridged audiobooks
Unemployment -- Juvenile fiction
Ramona and her father
Ramona and Her Father
Ramona and Her Father Cleary, Beverly.
Ramona and Her Father [electronic resource] / Beverly Cleary
Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary
Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Alan Tiegreen
Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Jacqueline Rogers
Ramona and her father / Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Tracy Dockray
Ramona and her father [electronic resource] : Ramona quimby series, book 4. Beverly Cleary
Ramona and her father [sound recording] / Beverly Cleary
Ramona and her father
Children's audiobooks
Children's stories
Classic Literature
Compact discs
Electronic books
Family life
Family problems
Fathers and daughters
Girls & Women
Health & Daily Living
Humor (Fiction)
Humorous Stories
Humorous fiction
Humorous stories
Juvenile Fiction
Juvenile Literature
Juvenile fiction
Newberry Honor
Pères et filles
Quimby, Ramona (Fictitious character)
Second grade (Education)
Talking books
Unabridged audiobooks

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