Junie B. Jones series
1 - 28
of 28
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
After her first trip to a beauty parlor Junie decides she wants to work there, and she practices on her bunny slippers, her dog, and herself with disastrous results. Junie B. Jones believes she has a calling to become a barber and, after practicing on various stuffed animals, decides to move on to a human subject -- herself. What's the bestest job ever? A beauty shop guy, that's what! And Junie B. Jones is going to be one when she grows up. But first...
Series Volume:
Average Rating:
4 stars
When Junie B. cannot play in the school kickball tournament because of a sore toe, she brings her unique talents to the halftime show. Go Room One! It's time for the first-grade kickball tournament! Only, here's the problem. Junie B. has hurt her big piggy toe and she can't play on the team. So, now what? She definitely doesn't want to be a cheerleader. But wait! Maybe she could be in Sheldon's halftime show! Then all eyes would be on her! And she...