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Archive Search Results

Showing 1 - 20 of 89 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'Mrs. Harris and Family'
Mrs. Harris, at left, standing in the yard in Eagle. Daughter Jennie Horner is next to her. The the end is daughter Mrs. Ginther with the Ginther children in front of her.
Thumbnail for 'Darrell and Guy Barnes'
Darrell Barnes and Guy Barnes in the lettuce patch at the Castle homestead. The cabin is visible in the background. "Grass and sage brush were cleared from a large area not far from the cabin and the cleared land was planted to make a lettuce field. Barnes was able to sell the lettuce crop by hauling it to town in a wagon pulled by horses. The lettuce was loaded into a railroad car and shipped to market. It was packed in ice to keep it fresh and...
Thumbnail for 'Howard McCain and Pam McCain (Schultz)'
Howard McCain and baby Pam (McCain Schultz) in their backyard in Eagle.
Thumbnail for 'Dressed up in Eagle'
Two boys dressed for a special occasion.
Thumbnail for 'Herwick Family'
Ida Herwick and her children, Thanksgiving 1894, at church services in Wolcott. Back row, L to R: Paul, age 10; Frederick, age 13; WIlliam C., age 15 Front, L to R: Tina, age 3; Ida, Age 33; Mary, age 18 mos.; Oren age 5; Birdellah, age 17; Guy, age 6 "For several months she had been putting a little money away for a special occasion, and she intended that having a family portrait done would be it. Of all the things she could think of, having...
Thumbnail for 'Andre Funeral Home'
A young boy holding a puppy is standing on the front walk of the Andre Funeral Home, 125 E. 2nd St., Eagle. The photo was developed on Jan. 17, 1941.
Thumbnail for 'Leonard Ping and camera'
"Photographer Leonard Ping (middle) prepares to snap photographs of deer browing in town. Leonard, who took many of the photographs that appear in this book, is standing on the porch of the Ping Hotel on Capitol Street." -- Kathy Heicher, Early Eagle p.124
Thumbnail for 'Eagle High School Junior Class Play Dec. 8, 1938'
The cast of "Among the Stars," the Junior Class (of 1939) play at Eagle High School, Dec. 8, 1938. Standing, L to R: Clarence Walker, Bill Nimon, Darrell Barnes, Marion Ross, Ira Bindley, Pauline Clark, Bill Brown, Betty Howland, Archer Copley, Alma Olson, and Sylvester LaGrow. Seated, L to R: Margie Stein and Harry Andre. From Lux Aquilae, 1939: "Sigmund Bibblesnuff, a lovable but eccentric bachelor, has never been able to indulge in his favorite...
Thumbnail for 'Friends'
Girlfriends posed for a picture in someone's yard in Eagle, 1924. From left: Imogene Lewis (Dice), Florence Alvord (Robertson), Bessie Beam (Luby), and Jane Bemis
Thumbnail for 'Eagle High School freshmen 1939'
The freshman class of 1939, Eagle High School (in Lux Aquilae 1939). Back row, L to R: Allen Eaton, Willis Cole, Robert Wentzel, Stanley Caywood, Floyd Aerts, Alan Stein, Tommy Vandruff, Edwin Bolding Center: Neil Black, Marvin Randall, Dan Rule Front: Gertrude La Grow, Beth Van Horn, Vera Ginther, Ellen Faye Bindley, Beatrice Berger, Phyllis Barnes. (Alberta Hilliard, absent)
Thumbnail for 'Suzann and Terryann Lewis'
Sisters Suzann and Terryann Lewis posed with deer at the family ranch (now Castle Peak Ranch). The girls are wearing matching outfits.
Thumbnail for 'Eagle School 3rd, 4th and 5th grades'
The 1924-25 Eagle School third, fourth and fifth grades, standing on the front steps of the school. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'Macdonell and Lewis children'
George Macdonell holding duckling at left. Terryann Lewis, in back, patting the duckling. Suzann Lewis staring at the camera. Marg Macdonell, at right, holding a very interested General Douglas MacArthur.
Thumbnail for 'Haystack on Sherman Ranch'
Three children and a ladder next to a very large haystack on the Sherman Ranch, July 1914.
Thumbnail for 'Friends on running board'
Four friends sitting on the running board of a truck: (fron left) Starr Conway (Doll), Shirley Wilson (Shelton), Willard E. Wilson, and Charlotte [unknown].
Thumbnail for 'Eagle School 1913'
1913 Eagle School, now (1986) a Catholic Church. Sixth child from left (front row) wearing a hat is Rolland Randall. Approximately 88 children and teachers in the photo, lined up in 3 or 4 rows. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Thumbnail for 'EHS Senior Class Play 1938'
The cast of the 1938 Eagle High School senior class play, "bashful Mr. Bobbs," lined up on stage. The photo was used in Lux Aquilae 1938 [school yearbook]. From left, "Margaret Aldred, Marjorie Aldred, Dolly Webb, Donald Webb, Carolyn Quick, Donald Knupp, Marian Redmond, Jim Isabell, Velma Dorn, Daisy Hughes, Marion Mosher. The senior play, "Bashful Mr. Bobbs," a three-act farce, was given Friday April 29, in the school auditorium. Eleven seniors...
Thumbnail for 'Girl Scouts'
Girl Scout honor guard in a formal pose in Eagle. Irene Ping is third from the left.
Thumbnail for 'Mary Ethel Macdonell and friends'
A group of girls, some wearing riding clothes, posing with an American flag. They might be on a Girl Scout outing to Yeoman Park. The girl in the back row, second from the right is Mary Ethel Macdonell (Latham). To her left" Ruth Thomas First row, far right: Ida Mary Daugherty; to the left of Ida: Shirley Randall Second row, far right: Jean Allen Back row, left: Benny Meehan
Thumbnail for 'Lloyd Mayer'
Lloyd Mayer sitting on a couch, surrounded by toy trucks and equipment. The photo was taken several months before his death in February 1953, of a cerebral hemorrhage. "Lloyd was born at Glenwood Springs June 9, 1941, the second son of Chester and Ruth Mayer.He lived his short life on the ranch established on lower Brush creek by his grandfather, the late Wm. P. Mayer, and attended the Eagle Public School where he was not only a model student, but...