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Archive Search Results

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Thumbnail for 'Clarence & the Kids'
Clarence Fair leans on a farm tool in his overalls with the children. The smaller children are Ross and Alice Chambers' children, Donna Louise and Donald, and Ladonna Fair stands in a hat. The Fair family lived and worked on the Chambers Ranch at this time. Clarence Fair also drove a dairy delivery truck for the Chambers family.
Thumbnail for 'The Georges Yost'
George "Doc" and Frances Yost (Bucar) stand with their son, a small George Nelson "Nels" Yost off the edge of the sidewalk. There is a building and fenceline in the background.
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"Eagle Ball Team 1928" [Description from photograph verso] Back row, left to right with position played: G. Whittaker (CF), R. Switzler (RF), B Hitt (1B), R. Hotten (SS). Front row, left to right with position played: A. Clark (Coach & Manager), S. Saltzgaver (P), F. West (3B), J. LeDonne (C), B. Subry (P), C Lloyd. {See Related Files; this file is in EVLD holdings; some changes have been noted between the two photographs.]
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Cast of "The Mystery of the Third Gable", a play performed in 1928 at Eagle High School, Eagle, Colorado. "The Mystery of the Third Gable" directed by Miss Kiley, was given March 9. The audience was well pleased with the play [sic]." Lux Aquilae Yearbook, 1928. Back row, left to right: Miss Jeanette Kiley (faculty, director), ___, Marvin Gaut, Melissa Larsen, Bernard Ginther, Iola Baer Seated, left to right: Eugene Grant, Pauline Reynolds, Harold...
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"Jane Hobo" Jane Bemis dresses up as a hobo for Hobo Day in 1929. She is wearing a mustache, hat, and is 'using' a cane. [Updated photo coming soon]
Thumbnail for 'Duane and his Snowman'
Duane Larsen poses proudly with his snowman. There are two sheds in the background with chickens.
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"Your Seniors!" 1929 (caption from photo album) From left to right: Jane Bemis, Franklin Krebs, Melissa Larsen, and Grace Edge.